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Avivando el Fuego del Lugar Secreto: La Clave para Mantener y Alimentar Tu Fervor en tu (only offered in spanish)

Sylvia Amador

Sylvia Amador

Las demandas de nuestro llamado nos pueden robar tiempo diario con Dios. Deseo motivarte con ideas para refrescar tu tiempo con Jesus, con ejemplos de siervos de Dios que buscaban regularmente a Dios. Es en el Lugar Secreto donde encontramos la sabiduría para dirigir, el discernimiento para aconsejar, el amor para dar, fuerzas renovadas y gracia diaria para ser fiel al llamado.


Hannah Bloomquist
Hannah Bloomquist

In this workshop we will unpack a theological perspective of God’s design for sexuality and how it informs our practical response. Developing a deeper understanding of his design helps us to see his created intent for sexuality as a beautiful, whole, fulfilling, and protective. Due to our culture’s polarizing perspectives regarding issues of sexuality, we will inevitably encounter various questions and conversations about this topic. We have the privilege and burden to study God’s design for sexuality so we might effectively disciple those we are shepherding toward a healthy and biblical practice.


Holly Bosier
Holly Bosier

As leaders, we sometimes find the demands of our ministries and expectations of others have outpaced our capacity to give, and we recognize that our own spiritual health is no longer flourishing. While we know our ministry to others will suffer without the recalibration of our souls, many of us struggle to find our way back to a thriving, intimate relationship with the Lord. Workshop participants will receive the opportunity to slow down and be led into the presence of the Lord through Scripture meditation, reflection, and prayer. Participants will receive guidance in identifying the greatest areas of personal need to bring before the Lord for renewal and restoration. 

Fear, Inadequacy, & Calling

Emmanuella Carter
Emmanuella Carter

It’s normal to feel afraid of things God calls us to. But what do you do when fear drives you away from the call? How do you embrace leading when you are overly consumed with your inability. Whatever our fears and insecurities, they do not negate our calling. In this workshop Emmanuella Carter will take us through scriptures to help us step fully into our calling even in the face of our fears.

Warfare Praying: How to Live and Pray in Victory

Judy DunaganJudy Dunagan

This workshop will provide practical tools for fighting the good fight against the enemy as we seek to live out the calling God has placed on our lives as ministry leaders. The enemy is always about defeating and discouraging us, especially in the areas of our calling and gifting. Judy Dunagan will share powerful biblical truths about our victory in Christ (from Psalm 91 and Ephesians 6), especially focusing on the weapon of prayer.

Equipping the Called: The Who, What and How of A Biblical Ministry to Women

Gloria Grell
Dr. Gloria Grell

God has called and gifted each of His daughters for a role in His mission. A biblical Ministry to Women equips women to do what God has called them to do. This workshop will look at what Scripture teaches about God’s purpose for women in His work. It will also teach the essentials for equipping women to fulfill their role.


Deb Gorton
Dr. Deb Gorton

Every day we face choices to live congruent with our Christ-centered values or fall prey to the misplaced expectations the world is offering us. Living fully on purpose requires adjusting our mindset to see the powerful impact of embracing the uncomfortable in order to stand firm in the conviction of who God created us to be no matter our season, circumstance, or relationship-status. This workshop will equip you to: 

  • Recognize your choices and what will move you inline with your purpose and values 
  • Develop the courage to radically accept your situation as it is
  • Take the steps to push beyond your fears and into your purpose zone

Life After Sexual Exploitation – What Does It Take To Heal?

Simone Halpin
Simone Halpin

What does it look like to help women recovering from the effects of commercial sexual exploitation? What type of help is effective? Is it actually possible to heal after being shattered by sexual exploitation? Simone will discuss what ministry leaders need to know about practically helping and responding to survivors. Learn how to bring awareness to women with whom you minister, and practical suggestions to help create opportunities for women in your churches to serve and make a difference.


Kristin Jaconsen
Kristin Jacobsen

Our world has never been more connected. Social Media has made it possible to know everything and nothing about each other. These superficial connections are insufficient and leave women feeling empty. Enter small groups. Whether meeting online or in-person, small groups offer women an opportunity to grow in their relationship to God and deeply connect with those around them. In this workshop, Kristin will present the essentials needed to create an environment where women can be themselves, practical ways to lead fruitful group discussions, and how to avoid common pitfalls of a failed small group. 


Roslyn Jordan
Roslyn Jordan

Hoarding is defined as difficulty parting with possessions because of their perceived value. When we think about hoarding generally we think about material possessions. But, do you ever think about hoarding emotions? This workshop will look at hoarding anxiety, building fortresses of safety that ultimately become caves of loneliness and decluttering to live freer and cultivate a deeper connection with God and others. 

Sembrando las semillas para una cosecha abundante: Estudios de descubrimiento (only offered in Spanish)

Krista Ophus
Krista Ophus

La parábola del sebrador describe a la palabra de Dios como una semilla.  El deseo de todos los creyentes es ser un terreno que produzca una cosecha abundante, pero muchos cristianos se frustran al no ver mucho fruto.  En este taller interactivo exploraremos la palabra de Dios al aprender herramientas de descubrimiento que están transformando vidas y comunidades alrededor del mundo.  

Confident Leadership: Deeper Waters, Bigger Waves

Cathie Ostapchuk
Cathie Ostapchuk

Our post-Christian world calls for leadership that understands women, the church, and our challenging culture. Leadership that is forged in the deepest waters of the soul can be carried with strength and dignity to crest the waves of challenging church and ministry environments. As women are wondering about their place in the church, we need to be deeply anchored in biblical truth about the Source of our identity, our value, our power, our voice and our positioning. We must then inspire women we lead to bravely go against the tide of conformity and lead in their spheres with confidence. 

Messages that Move: Proclaiming God's Word with Passion, Power, and Precision

Laurie Norris
Dr. Laurie Norris

This workshop will equip you with necessary building blocks to prepare an expository message from God's Word. We will consider together both the theological "why" and practical "how" of biblical preaching that faithfully and relevantly bridges the Word of God with a contemporary audience.


Olivia Ruhl
Olivia Ruhl

Jesus commissioned his followers to go forth and make disciples of every tribe, tongue, and nation…this includes the small towns of Peotone, IL, Dennison, OH, Alton, NH, and the hundreds of other small places of which you’ve likely never heard. Sometimes, however, both church and culture can give off the perception that the smaller the town the less significant or the less valuable. This is far from true and unbiblical! In this workshop, we will talk about the big impact the local church can have in the small places, the big responsibility to equip those in your local church to be ministers of the Word in the small places and the big Gospel that is sufficient to meet the needs of the small places.

Discipling Gen-Z

Christy Spader
Christy Spader

Culture is changing. We must be mindful of cultural perspectives as we faithfully answer the call of Christ to make disciples. How do cultural shifts affect our discipleship? How do we engage unfamiliar perspectives? Crucial to understanding this cultural shift is understanding Generation Z. In this Word-centered workshop we will look deeply at biblical disciple-making and unpack key needs of this next generation.

Take One Step

April Warfield
April Warfield

Has God engaged your heart for the marginalized in your community?  Is there a gap between your conviction and action? Let’s Discuss initial strategies to identify and engage the “other” among you. Align your heart with God’s Word and begin the work of allaying fear and step into the uncomfortable, unfamiliar spaces He has called us all to minister.

Understanding the Needs in the Stages of a Woman’s Life

Valencia Wiggins
Dr. Valencia Wiggins, LPC

Woman are uniquely created by God. With God-given uniqueness, women experience life with a different perspective across the lifespan of development. Each stage of life brings unique joys, life changes, and opportunities for spiritual, and emotional growth. This interactive workshop is designed for ministry leaders who work with women in all stages of life, whether in church ministry, para-organizations, or even small groups.


Moody Bible Institute 
820 N. LaSalle Blvd. Chicago, IL 60610 
(800) DL-MOODY

Moody Bible Institute

Moody exists to proclaim the gospel and equip people to be biblically grounded, practically trained, and to engage the world through gospel-centered living. In short, we prepare people for their purpose and calling!